A roadmap for Melrose’s future

Fiscal Responsibility

Now more than ever, we must ensure that our city’s funds are being used wisely and reported in ways that best serve our residents. During my first two terms, I have led the council in filing orders to hold the city accountable for its fiscal practices. Partnering with colleagues on the council, I have requested additional financial information from the administration including: regular reports on American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds; a strategic plan for the city’s free cash distribution; and a reexamination of fiscal priorities due to the budgetary constraints on the schools. I am committed to always asking the tough questions and holding decision makers accountable when dealing with our finances.

Strengthening Infrastructure

In order for Melrose to thrive, the city must plan for the long-term and not simply deal with issues as they arise. We must utilize existing funding sources and pursue new opportunities for revenue to address our city’s aging infrastructure. The city should be exploring ways to fund ongoing maintenance of our facilities, so we do not let our community assets fall into disrepair. I will continue to advocate for the city to make investments in sidewalks, roadways, parks, municipal buildings and our schools, which improve the quality of life for all of our residents.

Making Housing More Affordable

As one of the most popular zip codes in America, Melrose faces unique challenges as a small city with growing needs. Housing is at a premium and in order to retain a diverse socioeconomic population, including seniors who want to age in a place they love, we need to explore opportunities for smart growth and development. On the council, I co-filed legislation to accept the city’s first Affordable Housing Trust. With this trust, along with the city’s Housing Production Plan, Melrose is poised to start meeting the challenges of the lack of affordable and accessible housing for all.

Fostering a Diverse Community

Reaffirming Melrose’s commitment to being One City, Open to All is essential. During my time on the City Council, I proudly advocated for those whose voices in our community have been traditionally marginalized. I remain committed to being a trusted voice for everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, age, ability, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation. Fostering a diverse community is a commitment that needs to be made at the local level in order to achieve a strong, cohesive community.